Apptness Media Group

As specialists in digital marketing we’ve spent years helping agencies and brands develop the right digital strategy for their market and target audience. Let us work with you to implement the right approach to effectively grow your business.

Publisher Optimization
Our cutting edge digital survey technology platform AppEngine (Apptness Engine) enables publishers to personalize experiences at scale to drive higher monetization per user.

Marketer Technology
Our machine learning platform helps marketers pinpoint the right audience and optimize performance with next generation machine learning and real-time analytics.

Data is the primary currency of the digital economy. We help publishers and marketers get the most value out of their data assets.
Apptness Media Group

Who We Are
Apptness is a group of marketers and technologists from the big data industry that bring together many individual success stories in entrepreneurship, executive leadership and execution. Our lean but highly effective team eats, sleeps, and breaths how data and technology are transforming marketing bringing better results for marketers and publishers.

What We Do
We offer innovative digital marketing technology & a collaborative work style to provide a truly unique set of solutions to meet the business objectives of marketers and publishers.

Why Us?
We understand every business has different goals and objectives, but one constant is maximizing ROI. Our team of experienced marketers and technologists use our data and technology to help marketers and publishers get the most value from each and every consumer interaction. Send us an email and let’s discuss how we can help you to achieve your goals.